Navigating Holiday Drama with a Dash of Wisdom 🌟

We all know that as the holiday season rolls in it often brings family drama with it. 


I’m pretty sure my family inspired a few episodes of...

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Putting yourself first isn't selfish.

Have you ever noticed the cultural messages that celebrate women for their generosity and selflessness? We often hear things like:


- She puts everyone first.


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Choose Awkward, Stop Betraying Yourself

Last week, I found myself in an awkward situation. 


I won't delve into all the nitty-gritty details, but the gist is that someone I love had an unspoken...

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Wearing a mask?

Let's talk about masks today. 


But hold on, I'm not referring to the cute Halloween ones. No, I'm diving into a different kind of mask—the...

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When things go sideways....

Ever feel like you’re making progress toward your dreams and then it all goes sideways


Trust me, you’re not alone! 


I have this...

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Transforming Self-Doubt into Unshakable Confidence

In the world of coaching, it's easy to assume that those achieving epic feats never wrestle with self-doubt. Yet, we all do at times. The difference lies in how we...

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Lessons from Rocky Balboa + my Sacred Quest 🏃‍♀️🌟

It’s the day after the St. George Half Marathon, or what I’ve dubbed my “sacred quest,” and the lessons of the quest keep...

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🌟Embracing Your Sacred Quest

Is there something you’re doing – be it a client you’re working with, an adventure you signed up for, or a relationship you’re in – ...

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Embracing Your Inner Guidance in Our Busy Lives

used to think, you know, just like how 1 + 1 = 2, that the secret to being productive was doing more and doing it faster. But guess what? It didn't quite cut it...

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Moments of Fear to Awe: A Personal Journey of Escaping Maui's Wildfires

It's been quite a while since we last connected, and during that time my life has gone in so many unpredictable directions that have been scary and enlightening. ...

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