Peace is whispering your name

When I was a little girl we’d drive out to my grandpa’s house every Christmas Eve.

We’d take the “back roads,” which were all country,...

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Why you want to be day-dreaming

Did you see the last season of the Great British Baking show?

And, did you catch what David said in the beginning of the last episode?! 

I’ll fill you...

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Living the dream and not realizing it?

I vividly remember the day that I got the keys to my first apartment.  

It was a studio, probably 400-square feet and I LOVED IT. I had my OWN place. My own...

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The biggest misconception about Ease

Question: What comes to mind when I say “Living and working with Ease”? 

Do you imagine lying on the couch, eating popcorn, watching the Great British...

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When Meghan started to lead with her heart

Let me tell you a little story. 

I have this client, Meghan. 

She’s a total badass in so many areas of her life. She started her own thriving business,...

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What am I doing?

“What in the hell am I doing?” Do you ever ask yourself this? 

You’re not alone. 

A lot of us don’t actually know what we’re...

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buh bye doubt

If you ever feel discouraged, frustrated and majorly filled with self-doubt, you’re not alone. 

Whether you’re trying to grow your biz or help your...

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There is a Better Way

It was like stepping back in time. 

My old college campus and the streets of lower Manhattan looked exactly the way they did when I last walked them 17-years ago,...

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It's like my cousin Vinny

Do you remember this scene from My Cousin Vinny?

Doesn’t LIFE feel like this sometimes?

It’s work, extra meetings, travel, a kid not sleeping, an appliance...

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Confession time

Okay, confession time. 

A few days ago I sent out an email about my “someday, maybe” I’ll go back to New York and how it became my “someday...

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50% Complete


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