Why Fear Needs Tenderness

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A few weeks ago, I was in the process of writing about fear and the unknown. 

Ironically, that work...

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Rebuilding my biz more than once

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“I have zero clients.” 

I’ve heard these words from so many clients wanting to...

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When it hurts

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Back in the day… I was often one of the last kids to get booted out of a dodgeball game. ...

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The Raw Truth (Audio Blog)

I'm trying something new this week! I created an audio version of my letter this week. Click to listen:

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Ease ā‰  Easy... especially now

Finding my words this week has felt a lot harder than other weeks. 

Since I last wrote, we’ve witnessed the public lynching of George Floyd. 


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What day is it?

It is not uncommon these days for me and my husband to look at each other with confusion and ask: 

“What day is it?”


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Easing Overwhelm in New Ways

Before I finish writing this, chances are good that I’ll be interrupted.

One of my kiddos will probably ask me for food, or I might hear screams that trigger my...

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3 Ways to Ease Overwhelm

Many of us have been on an adrenaline-fueled ride of juggling work, homeschooling, caring for children and/or parents, and learning a new way to live while trying to...

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It's okay to be tired.

We’ve been tired around here lately. 

If you are too, it’s okay. 

It kinda makes sense because, ya know, we are in a Global...

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Discovering the "monsters in your closet."


So, the other day I made a parenting foul. 

It started with me having “a day” where I was feeling scared about the pandemic and what could happen and...

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